This podcast series offers risk intelligence and analysis from RANE Network. RANE is a risk intelligence company that provides business professionals with access to critical insights, analysis, and support, enabling them to better anticipate, monitor, and respond to emerging risks and threats. In the RANE podcast series, risk management experts and thought leaders share best practices for managing business risk, geopolitical risk, physical and cyber security risks, compliance risk, and other key risks and threats that organizations face today. These podcasts empower businesses, governments, and individuals to confidently navigate an increasingly complex international environment. At RANE, we believe shared risks require shared solutions and invite you to listen in.
7 days ago
7 days ago
In this episode of the Applied Geopolitics podcast, Rodger Baker, Leonie Müller, and Brandon Hilleary discuss the causes and implications of global demographic decline, specifically highlighting Japan and South Korea’s population trends.
The insights in this podcast are based on a paper that was researched and produced as part of the Stratfor Center for Applied Geopolitics at RANE 2024 Summer Fellows program. The primary contributors were Leonie Müller and Brandon Hilleary. Leonie Müller is a recent graduate of New York University with a Master of Arts in International Relations. Brandon Hilleary is a graduate of the University of California, Los Angeles where he studied political science and global studies.
If you're interested in reading the full report, you can find it here: https://cdn.prod.website-files.com/5f525debb813c3317da6a75e/673f7e980c50e53392b55cbc_Korea%20Japan%20Demographics%20Military%20PDF%2011112024%20(1)%20(1).pdf
RANE is a global risk intelligence company that delivers risk and security professionals access to critical insights, analysis and support to ensure business continuity and resilience for our clients. For more information about RANE's risk management solutions, visit www.ranenetwork.com.